Sunday, February 8, 2015

In An Acne Crisis? Try These Ideas!

In An Acne Crisis? Try These Ideas!

Does acne have you down? Acne can be an annoyance, it can drive anyone crazy. But, you do not have to live with those pesky red bumps. Follow our amazingly helpful tips and you can have clear, beautiful, acne-free skin and say good-bye to acne, once and for all.

Showering after exercise will help cure acne. Working out generates a lot of heat. This heat stays trapped in your skin until you shower. Heat and moisture trapped in your skin act as a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria. Shower within 30 minutes of working out to keep pimples and blackheads from popping up.

Limiting the meats and dairy you eat can reduce acne. Meat and dairy products can sometimes contain hormones that may negatively affect the skin, so reducing consumption of them is wise.

Try using salt water to clear up your acne. If regular facial soap and water aren't quite getting the job done, try washing your face with salt water instead. It will work to remove oil without drying out your skin. Just be careful about getting it in your eyes or inside open abrasions.

If you want to get rid of your acne, you should avoid wearing make up. Make up can conceal acne but it clogs your pores and may even irritate your skin. The chemicals contained in your makeup can also contribute to your skin breaking out. Remember that you do not need make up to be beautiful.

For high-powered acne treatment, try adding the "super food" maca to your diet. Maca is a Peruvian root that contains a large number of nutrients and vitamins, including fatty acids, amino acids, magnesium, iron, iodine, and calcium. The combined power of these components is thought to help regulate hormones and promote a healthy body, including healthy skin and nails. Maca often comes in powdered form and is taken as a supplement, but it can also be found as a juice or an extract.

If you have a small acne breakout, spot treatment can sometimes be the best option. Spot treating allows you to subject only the affected area to harsh chemicals (rather than your entire face). There are many spot treatments available, both over the counter and through a Dermatologist.

For more extreme cases of acne infection the sufferer should consult a dermatologist. It might seem excessive to call in a medical expert for mere pimple problems, but the very expertise a dermatologist brings to an acne sufferer is immensely effective. A trained dermatologist will be able to diagnose the precise causes of acne and prescribe the most powerful medications to fight it.

When washing your face, try not to use the bar soap that you use on your body. This soap is very strong and can not only irritate your facial skin, but leave a residue that can clog your pores during the day. Try to find a soap that has natural ingredients or is designed specifically for maximum effectiveness on acne.

If your skin is very sensitive or acne-prone, you may want to use hard-pressed Q-tips or cotton swabs to apply facial creams or medication. This prevents bacterial contamination from your fingers, and the firmly packed cotton at each end of the swab will not leave a cottony residue on your face.

If you have oily skin and are prone to frequent acne breakouts, choose a foundation that contains the acne treatment, salicylic acid. Salicylic acid will help dry out some of the oil on your skin that can lead to blemishes and breakouts. Be careful not to combine a salicylic acid foundation with a salicylic acid treatment, however, or you could over-dry your skin and that could lead to further issues.

For natural acne remedies, try using a honey mask, once a week. It may be hard to believe, but honey contains natural antibacterial properties. It's a cheap way to pull irritants from your pores and leave your skin glowing. Better yet, it tastes a lot better than any masks from your local department store would!

Begin and end each day by washing your face with a strong but gentle cleanser to help combat acne. Upon waking, your face is likely covered with a film of oil from sleep and by the end of the day pollution, sweat and grime have taken over. Keep on top of cleaning without going overboard, by obsessive washing or by using a soap that is too harsh.

Hydrocortisone is a very effective natural treatment for acne. It will reduce the redness of any zit or cyst that you have. Do not use it too often or use too much of it. It can cause your skin to dry out and make your problems worse than they were before.

Getting rid of those annoying blemishes is possible and you can do it by following the tips above. Living with acne can be something that you dislike, but you do not have to deal with those aggravating red bumps anymore. Give our tips a try and kick your acne to the curb.

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